What this month-long sadhana will do for you?

 WELCOME! to Shravan Maas Celebrations

@ gundar.com

This month-long sadhana and learning initiative is special in many ways. Here is my attempt to express my perspective on the same. 

Different sadhana produces different results. For example, Shaktism or Devi Bhakti Sadhana will lead one to Bhog and Moksha. The Soundarya Lahiri Stotram, which has 100 hymns offers different benefits for each of these hymns,  likewise, Vigneshwara Puja is done to remove obstacles... and so on.

There is a ton of interesting read on the internet on what a Sadhana is and the different types that one can practice or be involved in. Here is one such article on Sadhana that I found in Times Of India (TOI) that is worth reading. 

Shiva Bhakti Sadhana

The perspective that I want to give you, is beautifully expressed in the 4th verse of the Shivananda Lahari composed by Adi Shankaracharya. 

सहस्रं वर्तन्ते जगति विबुधाः क्षुद्रफलदाः 

न मन्ये स्वप्ने वा तदनुसरणं तत्क्रितफलम् |

हरिब्रह्मादीनामपि निकटभाजामसुलभं 

चिरं याचे शंभो शिव तव पदाम्भोजभजनम् ||

"Oh Sambhu, a thousand gods exist in the world, who are the bestowers of trifling rewards. Not even in my dreams do I consider following them nor the benefits conferred by them. Oh Siva, I beg always to worship your lotus feet, difficult though it is even for Vishnu, Brahma and (such) others, who have obtained proximity to you. "

There is, certainly, no disrespect intended towards any of the Gods here.  However, it is quite a common knowledge amongst the wise ones that some Gods are very difficult to please, some offer instant results while others demand severe austerities for paltry gains.

Parama Shivam, Sada Shivam, Adi Dev or Mahadev is not only easy to please but offers Jeevana Mukta, the ultimate state of Nirvana because he alone can raise your consciousness to become one with him or actually enable YOU TO BECOME HIM! 

LAGUNYASAM is one such process of becoming... It is a short but very potent version suitable for everyday practice that can fit into everyone's schedule.

RUDRAPRASHNAM or SHRI RUDRAM is the long version of Shiva Bhakti Sadhana consisting series of hymns and is performed as Abhishekam or Homam, on special occasions and auspicious days.

SHRI RUDRAM contains chants from the Krishna Yajurveda's Taittiriya Samhita while laghunyasam combines some elements of SHRI RUDRAM along with certain other adaptations. 

These are NOT just prayers for personal gains BUT a total package deal of all of The Lord's grace to BECOME HIM!

Take time out of whatever it is that you are involved in... make time 30-40 minutes every day for the next 30 days and join me @ SHRAVAN MAAS CELEBRATIONS!

Surely, a transformational experience awaits you.  Choose it, NOW!


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