Is Behavioral Training Any Good?

The frailty of Human Rationale has been the mother of many Innovations and Changes. Training and Development is no exception. One good reason is surely the shortcomings of traditional Performance Appraisal Systems (even the more modern 360*) which always gave more than necessary discretionary powers to the Immediate Superiors and very often became a cause of dissatisfaction to the trainee (participant).

Even more democratic T.N.A attempts haven't produced encouraging results for lack of imagination and learning orientation. Measuring training effectiveness has remained a wild goose that you better not chase!

History has it, that a person nominated for a training program could have the following considerations. (Most of it is certainly not positive...).

Why Me? So you think there is something wrong with me? The guy who nominated me needs this training the most! How is this relevant to my job profile? Must be somebody's idea of making a fast buck! So you think you can change me? Come! I'll teach you a couple of lessons! What is the point of this training when it can't be implemented in my working Environment? I'm willing to change but can you change the entire organization, the bosses and the culture? Why should I change my thinking? My bosses should do this training first! Or at least they should have asked me what I want to learn. It is no Use! All an eyewash and waste of time and money!

Training and Self Development is at best seen as a contribution to an individual's career growth (generally is the next company!) or a boost to social status. So executive programs in premier Management Institutions seemingly create more enthusiasm (but no perceivable change). And in more corrupt organizations funds are manipulated for such interventions so that a few "chosen ones" can indulge themselves. By and Large key missing elements from corporate learning initiatives that can be derived are : 

  • Lack of Clarity; There may not be any clarity on whether the training intervention is to cause a change in the interest of the organization or is aimed at self-development for the participant.
  • Since most trainees are 'sent' for a program, Individuals may not be benefiting from such Interventions. In fact, may begrudging the management more after it.
  • Organizations rarely benefit from any notable change. "Paradigm Shift" seems only meaningless jargon and farcical as most (98%) trainees (even from a highly successful training program) share that their motivation does not last beyond 3 to 4 days (rarely 1 week) and the work environment, superiors etc. are (equally) responsible for causing this.
  • Do we really mean to change? Change management has been a sort after Training Title for quite a number of years and very much a touted concept but how many organizations have really adapted to change? How many have changed their work culture successfully? Barring those companies/departments which had to change due to external factors like Technology, Laws, Take Over - Acquisition etc. no real change may have been achieved.
  • Training Programs may not be connected to career growth within the organization or seen as a prerequisite for succession planning. Promotions may be based on time (years of service), special assignments and deputations may be decided on the basis of current performance levels and better public relations (sometimes more important). In fact, it is quite a common situation that a person heading a team has been promoted/appointed not for leadership abilities but for other reasons like performance, contacts etc. The result is very often team dissatisfaction and disaster for all involved.
  • Most people may have already gone deeper into the Cycle of Inertia. (see Robinson's Cycle)
  • Many may attend the same training (sometimes same faculty - same content - same slide show - same calendar year!) many times over! Indifference, Ignorance or Carelessness or Corruption may be causing it but the result is the same...
  • Substandard Training Efforts also go Unnoticed or unreported (who will bell the cat?).
  • Low or No ROI (Return On Investments) on such expenditure (can't call it Investment for now). There was a time (not very long ago) when one had to churn out sheets after sheets on ROI to determine how the organization will benefit, to sell 1 (One) Training Intervention! Now nobody seems to interest! Training Budget is now treateas sanctum and no one questions returns. In many organizations, it is now "The Right" of the employees! Especially if it involves travelling to a foreign country, Adventure Offsite or to your native city/town. If such training is seen as a perk, then a paid family holiday would probably be more motivating.
Out Bound Training or Learning (OBT - OBL) gained from the above shortcomings as it at least provided elements of Fun, Experience, Adventure, Party! But all this is already on its downward graph as there is a widespread lack of application.

...more on this soon.

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